Friday, 23 October 2015

How Do One Get Over Heart Breaks???


This is one tough questions. i have gone through heart break but the truth is i no know how i survive am but i did anyway lol... But really how does one get over heart breaks? i have read a lot of articles on people's opinion on how to get over heart breaks. some say take a vacation, some say if you fat slim down, some say take ice cream and chocolate while others say get someone else to replace him/her. all this are good advice but what if you don't have the money to go on a vacation?
what if you don't like ice cream or chocolate? what if your size is not the reason him /her left you? Well for me, i dont think there is a specific way to get over heart break. yes if you have the cash go on a trip just to be away from him/her for a while, never stay alone, get your friends who can cheer you up, cry as much as you can then go down on your knees and pray to God. trust me it wont be easy to get over it but it will help a great deal. When one is heart broken, he/she starts thinking crazy, instead of thinking on how to move on, you start thinking of how to look good so your ex would realise his/her mistake but my dear that is where you miss it, focus on yourself, if you start thinking on how to change yourself so your ex would come back to you then you are walking yourself into the same pain, instead build yourself for the next person coming into your life, if you feel you are fat, there is someone out there who will love you for you and if you feel you are slim there is also someone out there for you. there is always someone out there for us. Don't give up because someone was too blind to know your worth, instead, pick yourself up and focus on the things that matter. your man/women is some where waiting and with time, you will find him/her. Just be strong.

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